One Month Later
And she still lives here. Anyways, a lot has happened in the last month. For one, I went to Comic-con with Matt, Shaun and Andrew. That was fun. I had some sopas with Evan, Matt and his friends. Then some other stuff happened that I don't remember. Here's a good story. Josh called me up a couple days back to go to Perry's. I said, "Why Perry's?" Next thing I know I'm at Perry's. Joel showed up also. So we're chilling in the back and this girl is making pizza boxes. Josh walks over, because his mom asked him something and this girl whispers for me to come over. I gradually walk over and she places the box slightly over his mouth and says, "Do you know if Josh is seeing anyone?" Then I said loudly, "Absolutely not." Then she said, "Don't tell anyone." I told Josh later that night. If I knew the girl personally I wouldn't have told him, but c'mon I don't even know that girl's name. That's cool though. Some high school chick likes Josh. Earlier today I found out that we used to have a dog. But this was back when my sister was 2 years old and they only had him for 2 weeks. His name was Punky. You know, Punky Bruster. I probably spelt it wrong. Don't correct me, Mr. Dudys. That's pretty much it. I wanna go back to school already. My name is David.
I know myt first name is Brian....sorry that is a really bad title of a movie. Anywho that's pretty funny I gotta find out who this high school chick is. Well, lates.
Starpit, at 4:39 PM
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