Blogs Are So Last Year
It sure seems like it. No one seems to post anymore. Joel and Matt post on Myspace, so that has kept me sane for quite some time. Brian posted on his blog and I didn't read it till 10 minutes ago. wow Brian is a junior in high school already. That's pretty fast. Soon he will be heading off to Berkely (that has to be spelt wrong) and probably have a nervous breakdown, like our old friend, Mark Hardcastle. Actually, I don't know what happened to Mark. No one has talked to him in a really long ass time. Brian won't have a breakdown anyways. Why? Cause he has friends like us, who are older, wiser, more attractive, and can always have good times without the help of alcohol and/or marajuana. The point of this post is just that there's not any good truthful, authentic reading material of one's life anymore. I'm gonna post more now. Well that's all I got to say. It's almost 2 in the morning. I should really go to bed and waste away until Andrew's birthday.
Sometimes I feel that I should post because it's been a while but then I wonder why anyone would care about my opinion on anything I would write about. I'm not making any notable observations or breaking any important news to anybody. I don't even have any gossip or drama that I could write about. Sorry if I'm not contributing to maintaining your saneness.
Ya, Mark, that guy just vanished. I hear he got some girl pregnant...or something.
It's spelled 'Berkeley', BTW.
flarfu, at 9:35 AM
well you check once in a while. that's beter than no one. yeah i didn't get into Berkeley cause i didn't know how to spell it. it was heartbreaking.
David, at 10:01 PM
David, you are right, Only because of you guys will I not have a nervous breakdown. I'll try to post more too in order to reinvigorate teh blogger community. And Matt, I care about what you have to say, that has to count for something,
Starpit, at 9:06 PM
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