Growing A Mustache Update 1
That's right, I too am growing a mustache. There is quite a few of us in on this. There is Me, Matt, Evan, Matt B., Shaun?, and Joel and Kent if they still want in. Pretty sure Andrew isn't in. Josh doesn't want in either. I don't how many posts I'll have about the mustache update. The last time I shaved my 'stache was on Februrary 16th. Here is the picture update:

As you can see it's growing nicely. It is key that everytime I shave that I make the corners even. It is also key that I don't forget and accidently shave it off. During my mustache growth, I won't shave my sideburns. They have become a part of me. Like the twin brothers I never had. Hopefully this doesn't mean that my mustache will be the little brother that no one likes. I don't know what else to say. GROW A MUSTACHE!

As you can see it's growing nicely. It is key that everytime I shave that I make the corners even. It is also key that I don't forget and accidently shave it off. During my mustache growth, I won't shave my sideburns. They have become a part of me. Like the twin brothers I never had. Hopefully this doesn't mean that my mustache will be the little brother that no one likes. I don't know what else to say. GROW A MUSTACHE!
I'm in, but give me like 10 years and maybe I'll have hairs in the triple digits.
Starpit, at 4:15 PM
i can only grow my moustache if i grew my hair or else id look like a catfish
Moasis, at 2:47 PM
do what you gotta do i recommend growing the mustache it'll be awesome.
David, at 8:05 PM
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