Confessions 4
This is my finale of my confessions. There is only 15, cause my goal was 100. Need I say more? Here they are:
That's it. No more confessions forever. It feels great to get all of this stuff off my chest. Well, I feel the same, so it's not that big of a deal to me. See ya!
- I won't date a girl name Burnedette
- I can't see out of the corner of my left eye.
- Me and Ryan try really hard not to laugh out loud at our English teacher, cause she says 'mmkay' after everything she says.
- I have a vulnerable soft spot on the back right of my head, from the car accident I had when I was a baby.
- Me and my friends illegally used fireworks by the canal out in the country.
- I like to watch some VH1 and MTV shows, like Flavor of Love, Next, and Room Raiders (the idea of the shows are creative to me).
- I hate cigarettes, but I don't mind cigars.
- I hate beer, but I don't mind hard alcohol.
- When no one is home, I walk around the house naked for a few minutes, after I get out of the shower.
- Ben Wallace was my favorite basketball player until he attacked Ron Artest, which lead to him rushing into the stands (the Pacers-Pistons brawl).
- I believe that people who believe in Scientology should all be kidnapped and sent to an uncharted island away from mankind to fend for themselves.
- I go to the bullfights for the actual bullfights and not the other stuff that goes on.
- I wanna be in a World Series of Poker event someday.
- Drawn Together is the most unfunny show/cartoon in the history of television.
- Asian girls are my favorite, but I treat all girls equally.
That's it. No more confessions forever. It feels great to get all of this stuff off my chest. Well, I feel the same, so it's not that big of a deal to me. See ya!
Well, nothing a amzingly surprising here. I agree with you on the scientologists. That could be the dumbest religion ever invented. And, just as a side note, never tell
Anthony Scudder you like Asian girls because he will hound you about it forever.
Starpit, at 7:26 AM
I don't think theres anyone on the planet who doesnt walk around naked when they have the chance. That's very noble of you to treat all girls equally.
Dude, you have to check out the post that I wrote at the beginning of the NFL season on my site. You'll be amazed. Well, not amazed. But it's more accurate that I thought it would be. Especially the AFC.
kibitzer, at 2:17 PM
i don't get it does he hate asian girls?
yeah Joel, your Steelers might win the Super Bowl. nice pick.
David, at 10:40 PM
as proud as i am about that outrageous pick i still want the seahawks to win on sunday due to the fact that theyre my third favorite team. my afc predictions were pretty dang close though as far as the Colts, Broncos, Pats, and Steelers. well, not so much the Steelers but i did put them in the super bowl and the AFCC with Denver.
kibitzer, at 1:21 PM
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