The Blah Blah Blog

Saturday, September 22, 2007

You Got Some Issues, Son!

This is about something that shouldn't be an issue. I'm not going to say her name, but you'll know damn well who I'm gonna start talking about.

I've been friends with this girl for a long time now, and it's gotten to a point where it will never be anything farther than a strong friendship. She will not cross that friendship line, and I've accepted that. I'm very strong-willed and moved on immediately. It has really surpassed anything. We can be together and not have this idea in our heads where we both think, 'What if?' I get on my myspace a few minutes ago and her display picture is her and this guy. For some odd reason, I was furious. Seriously, I was really, really mad. I have no idea why I was so mad. I don't have a thing for her. It's not some denial I have. I really don't think of her that way anymore. The only thing I could come up with was this:

I get so mad that she's hanging out with some guy and it's not me. Kinda like I have a fear of being replaced. She never has boyfriends, so I was always that main guy for her to hang out with. So maybe if she shockingly gets a boyfriend, then all of a sudden I have a much lesser role in her life. I don't want that. I would hate that. If I had a girlfriend and she didn't like her, she would have to be pretty amazing for me not to break up with her. I got to face the music someday, though. She's gonna get that boyfriend, I'm gonna get that girlfriend, and suddenly we won't be as strong as we used to be. That's what sucks about life. We move on to better things and find ourselves making sacrifices that seem to be unwanted and neccessary.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Real World: Gustine

So last night, Joseph asked me if i could choose 7 people from Gustine to live in a house together, a la The Real World, who would I choose? This question came about after I told Joseph of what happened Saturday night. Me, Evan, Josh, and Andrew were walking at the festa and we ran into Jessica O. and Angelica. They were like, "Oh look its the computer tech nerds." That line right there pissed me off more than anything. Are you fucking kidding me? Are they that fucking stupid that they labeled us the computer tech nerds? Granted Andrew was a computer tech. It's amazing how some people at our high school didn't know shit about us. Just because we didn't go to parties, school dances, and other crap that we didn't do that they did, doesn't mean we were nerds. We were seriously annoyed by that statement at that moment. So when I told Joseph about this, he explained very accurately how fake most people were at our high school, and how our little group at our stone table kept it real. Then he asked me this Real World question. The Real World always has 7 people (3 guys/4 girls or 4 guys/3 girls). Here is who I would have on The Real World: Gustine:

Joseph Happel- He immediately popped into my head to be on the show. The guy doesn't care, he keeps it real. He would stir up a lot of drama for the show, especially with the girls I'm going to list.
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Mary Berta- How can you not have this show without Mary Berta? She's annoying and always in a positive mood. Plus, she's not attractive in the least. I think she would cause a lot of problems for Joe. I don't have a picture, but she did have a fupa, so this is the best I can find.
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Brian Shaw- Nobody analyzes things more than Brian Shaw, and that alone would aggravate the house, for they would try to force him to lighten up.
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Katie Williams- The vegetarian that everyone hates. She would cause Joseph and Brian major drama, and she would also cause major drama with the other chick that gets named later. I don't have a picture, but this picture will do (she's the pig, anyone could be the duck).
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Moises Resuello- You gotta have the token foreign guy who just so happens to be gay. He and Berta have history and he would occasionally piss off the last guy to get named.
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Shaun Brady- Shaun is the easiest guy to get aggrevated. He would get so sick of everyone after one day, that it's bound to cause major tv drama. I think it would be hilarious for Shaun to be on that show.
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Carly Nagy- The girl I believe was Joseph's worst enemy would be a perfect choice to be in this house. Nothing is greater than the stupid blonde that thinks she knows everything, and argues over stupid shit. Everyone would hate her, even Mary Berta! I can see Joseph getting arrested for hitting her or something. Shaun constantly telling her to shut up. Berta trying to accepted her for the retarded person she is. It would be fantastic tv drama. I can't believe I found this picture.
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So that would be The Real World: Gustine. If you Gustiners have an opinion, go ahead and shoot.
