Confessions Thrice
Ok, my goal is 100 and after these 25 that means I got only 15 left. Here we go:
- Andrew was the only person I talked to at that Sunday church thing.
- I figured out how to get home with only running into 1 stop sign in Gustine. (if you knew where I live, you'd be impressed)
- I have streachmarks on my back.
- I always make a big mess in my photography class when developing my roll.
- I wore a sombrero and had the stupidest joke ever for my Jamba Juice group interview. (I didn't get the job)
- I can't play computer games cause my eyes start to hurt.
- Sometimes I won't shave for like 4 days and have this unattractive beard.
- I don't shower on the weekends unless I'm going somewhere.
- There's times when I just wanna break my cell phone for no reason.
- I'm finally tired of being single.
- Central Catholic is fucking gay ass piece of shit school that can burn to the ground for all I care.
- I'm really good at making people laugh.
- i used to get really pissed off when I saw James Morris around Jasmine.
- I hate how some people (they know who they are) hated Eugene when he was still around here and now they pretend to love him and stuff.
- I don't like eating at Carl's Jr. cause its not that good and its freaking expensive.
- Me, Josh, Joseph and Andrew always make fun of Mr. Petrone.
- I used to do a good Mr. Mello impression.
- Me, Josh, Andrew, and Eugene used to take sodas out of the FFA freezer after a basketball game or practice. Our code name for it was "The Grocery Store."
- I haven't played basketball in a really long time.
- I haven't cried in a really long time.
- If I have a problem, I usually go to Evan for a solution.
- I was a scorekeeper my junior year in high school cause Hill would buy me food.
- I consider myself the best scorekeeper ever cause I did EVERYTHING.
- Hill always wanted me and Josh to cover for him when he was either hungover or stoned.
- I used to walk home with Jesse everyday after school back in 4th grade and I kinda suspected him being pretty gay.
no I'M the best scorekeeper ever. let's be cool and call ourselves "statisticians".
flarfu, at 6:02 PM
wow for some reason i can't even say that word.
David, at 10:48 AM
Dude, you so do not even know how good of a scorekeeper I am. And yeah, "statiticians" is an awsome word, which I will use from now on.
Starpit, at 2:28 PM
no i'm the best. that's why i got free food and gifts for what i did.
David, at 8:25 PM
i was okay at the books. mcbay looked up my phone number once and made me go to the oakdale tourny over christmas break. he called me the morning of the game.
kibitzer, at 9:18 PM
geez the morning of the game! wow.
David, at 11:49 PM
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