The Blah Blah Blog

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Quiz Results

  1. Thanks to whoever took my quiz. Now here are the detailed quiz results.

  1. Moises Malone (Moises) - 60
  2. Yurka (Shaun) - 60
  3. joel (Joel) - 60
  4. shaun''s bro (MBra a.k.a. Matt Brady) - 50
  5. Matt Dudys (Matt Dudys a.k.a. MDud) - 50
  6. Brian (Brian) - 50
  7. Joseph Happel (Joseph) - 50
  8. Andrew Silva (Andrew) - 40
  9. Nick (Nick) - 40
  10. Jasmine (Jasmine) - 40
  11. Cindy (Cindy) - 30


1) a) Art
b) Drama
c) Mathematics
d) Music

2) a) Led Zeppelin
b) The Doors
c) Black Sabbath
d) Muse

3) a) Lost
b) Nip/Tuck
c) Rescue Me
d) The Simpsons

4) a) a bunch of shee music
b) a picture of Lulu
c) a picture of the band
d) all of the above

5) a) Eugene
b) Cindy
c) Jasmine
d) Tyler

6) a) none
b) some
c) tons
d) just a lil bit

7) a) Daniel
b) John
c) Roger
d) Frankie

8) a) braces
b) acne
c) sideburns
d) basketball jersey

9) a) my friends
b) my aunt's family
c) Josh's family
d) myself cause that's all I need

10) a) give it to charity
b) buy you something
c) buy me something
d) buy something for all of us

1) I got the Bank of America Achievement Award in the field of what?
Correct (d): Jasmine, Joseph, Nick, Cindy, Brian, Andrew, Joel, Shaun, MDud, Moises
Wrong: a) MBra b) c)

2) Who is my favorite British Band?
Correct (d): Jasmine, Cindy, Andrew, MDud, Moises, MBra
Wrong: a) Joel b) Joseph, Brian c) Nick, Shaun

3) What is my favorite TV show?
Correct (a): Brian, Shaun, Moises, MBra
Wrong: b) Cindy c) d) Jasmine, Joseph, Nick, Andrew, Joel, MDud

4) What did I steal from Derf's office when me and Evan were alone in there during a Rotary Tournament game?
Correct (b): Joel, MDud
Wrong: a) c) Andrew, Moises d) Jasmine, Joseph, Nick, Cindy, Brian, Shaun, MBra

5) Who did I used to talk to for a year, then stopped talking to for almost a year, and now currently talking to again?
Correct (c): Jasmine, Joseph, Nick, Brian, Joel, Shaun, MDud, Moises
Wrong: a) Cindy, MBra b) d) Andrew

6) Do I have porn on my computer?
Correct (d): Joel, Shaun, MBra
Wrong: a) Cindy, Andrew, MDud b) Joseph, Brian c) Jasmine, Nick, Moises

7) What's the name of the only first cousin I technically talk to?
Correct (a): Joseph, Cindy, Shaun
Wrong: b) Brian c) Jasmine d) Nick, Andrew, Joel, MDud, Moises, MBra

8) What did I not have before my junior year?
Correct (c): Jasmine, Joseph, Nick, Brian, Andrew, Joel, Moises, MBra
Wrong: a) b) Shaun, MDud d) Cindy

9) What family do I consider my second family?
Correct (c): Joseph, Nick, Brian, Andrew, Joel, Shaun, MDud, Moises, MBra
Wrong: a) Jasmine, Cindy b) d)

10) If you gave me $100 so I can buy you something what would I do?
Correct (b):
Wrong: a) c) Jasmine, Joseph, Cindy, Joel, MDud, Moises d) Nick, Brian, Andrew, Shaun, MBra


1) I never took any art class and wasn't in drama. I took geometry twice. The obvious answer was music.

2) This was a tough one. A lot more of you guys got it right than I thought. I guess it's because I've been raving about these guys for weeks.

3) Again, another tough one. Lost is too freaking awesome. The other shows are great, but Lost has me wanting more and more each week.

4) This one was kinda obvious. Joel and Matt (band members) got it right. What eliminates answers to this one is that why the hell would I steal any of the other stuff?

5) Eugene and Tyler are some of my best exterior friends. I put Cindy to throw you guys off. That didn't stop some of you from choosing them though.

6) Everybody (except Shaun) has porn on their computers. It's a complete guess as too how much I got.

7) I have no idea why so many of you guys picked Frankie. 3 people got this right. You guys will never meet these cousins though.

8) I'm very disappointed on who got this wrong. My no sideburns were pretty noticeable.

9) Wow the only 2 girls that took this quiz were the only 2 people who got this wrong. I go over to Josh's house a lot. Not as much as I used to cause of college, but I still get over there at least once a week.


Thanks again for taking my quiz.


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