No I'm not going to talk about the new hit show on Fox afer The OC. For the record I don't watch Reunion. So our football team lost Friday night on HOMECOMING NIGHT to DELHI. What the hell bro? Me, Andrew, Moises, Josh and Joseph all went to the game. We saw Alana and said hi to her. Then Joel showed up outta nowhere. We sat in the stands with Jared and Nick Maffei. They were sitting with Kristen, Lindsay, Mario, Felicia, and other people we technically don't like. My cell rings and its Jasmine. She was at the game with Denise. Me and Moises met up with them by the food stands. Since Moises is afraid of food stands, I had to buy the food for him. We sat back up in the stands and BJ, Bent, Stephanie Gomes, and Raquel were all up there. So many alumni folk in that section that night it felt like a reunion. Me and Jasmine went to Schmidt Park yesterday. I had to take pictures of her for my Photography 10A class. I happen to be with her the one day she isn't entirely photogenic. I got good pictures and angles and stuff, but not quite the right facial expressions I was looking for. We ate at Nino's afterwards. The Niners are playing the Cardinals right now in Mexico City. It was halftime so I decided to post. Now I'm gonna get ready to watch The Simpsons. Except some good upcoming posts.
I think we both scrapped on our NFL predictions. We should just take a mulligan and write up an "end of first quarter" prediction.
Here's my MLB predictions:
AL: NYY loses to LAA
CHW beats BOS, CHW beats LAA
NL: STL beats SD in 4
HOU beats ATL, STL beats HOU in 5
World Series:
St. Louis over Chicago in 6
(im going for the white sox and astros.)
kibitzer, at 8:31 PM
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