Chief Game
Ok we lost the chief game 20-0. Our team took it way too hard. We were 1-8, terrible secondary, no true quarterback, and can't move the football. I still had fun though hanging out with my friends. Moises had to kill it though, sneaking off and walking home. That was seriously stupid, Moises. There was no reason for that. Bubba wasn't as sad as I thought he would be. That's good I guess. Chubbs got over it after me and Joseph explained to him why they sucked so bad. This is an intentional short post. I gotta go take a shower now cause it's my grandma's birthday. Until next time, compadres.
The only thing that made me mad about that game was when orestimba rolled out that sign that said "Coffee: 50 cents, Candy: $1, Hamburger: $3, Taking Back the Chief: Priceless". That just pissed me off, that town has no frieken class. We were playing Iron Mand right then and I played so friekin loud it was ridiculous. Oh well, it's just a game
Starpit, at 2:52 PM
yeah the sign was way too much. if they have to go through that much effort to shove it down our throats then they're just sore winners.
David, at 4:26 PM
as i always say. oh well.
Cornicon, at 5:11 PM
whatever. i always say oh well.
David, at 6:02 PM
lol... i did that cause andrew hella talks stuff about me that is not true.. i mean yes i get mad..and i wanted to give him a punch but i didnt wanna do that cause hes my friend... so i just left to cool off...everything is fine though.. i guess i just have a short temper soemtimes and its better to just walk off than start something stupid. =o)
and its not like im being dramatic. im ok... im cool with everyone.. even andrew. i accepted he acts stupid around people.i blogged about it that im not tryign to be depress anymore.... so yes, no hard feelings to anyone who i offended.. i just had to get out there to cool off my temper.. you got me, nigga? lol
Moasis, at 6:58 PM
next time you do that, we'll eat your children.
David, at 11:15 PM
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