Job Hunting
I went job hunting with Jasmine today. Well yesterday, because its 1 am right now. We went to Santa Nella and we stopped at Jack in the Box/Gas Station. There was this bug parked at the gas station at one of the pumps. Remember this, we saw this at 3:10 pm. We go across the street to Taco Bell and apply there. Then we drove down the street and applied at Quizno's Sub. The application asked what day it was and Jasmine was convinced that it was Tuesday. I told her that I was convinced it was Wednesday. I called popcorn (you know, the thing that tells you what time it is), because I thought they would say the date. Nope, just the time. That's when this tall guy with a savage white beard gets out of his nice car comes and walks towards Starbucks. I asked him the day and he said Wednesday. Score one for David! The guys working inside Quizno's were kinda creepy. They looked at me and Jasmine all weird. Next was us heading to JCPenny in Los Banos. I applied, but even if they call me I don't plan on working there. We stopped by Wal-Mart, because Jasmine wanted to apply there. I sure as hell didn't want to apply at Wal-Mart. That was finally over and we went back to Santa Nella. She asked where we should eat and I said Jack in the Box. We're eating inside and I noticed something out the window over by the gas station. The same bug, at the same pump was still there! This was at 8 pm. What the heck?! Jasmine and I were a little freaked out by that. We started thinking like it was a car bomb or something. As we were leaving, Jasmine stops her crappy car by the bug and I write down the liscence plate number. Jasmine wanted to Google it. We later found out when we tried Googling it that it cost money for that information. Oh well. The day turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought. Carla, we gotta have lunch. I feel bad for turning down lunch yesterday. Until next time my loyal readers.

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