Revenge of the Sith
- Jessica Alba is in the movie and she is so unbelievably hot!
- Jillian McMahon is in the movie. He's on the show Nip/Tuck, so he's a freaking good actor. He'll be playing Dr. Doom.
- By the looks of the previews, they've seemed to combine comedy, drama, and action.
- Thing.
Now back to Star Wars. The movie was terrific. The Sith Lord was under their noses the whole freaking time! I knew this already, but watching it was agony. How stupid are the Jedi not putting two and two together? Watching the council die was pretty sad. I'm glad they didn't spend like an hour on each concil memeber deaths. It was quick and a little painless. I'm also glad that Darth Vader was Darth Vader without the suit. When they showed his eyes, that was pretty cool. I felt bad, cause he did all that for Padme. General Grievous looked like a wuss. The whole time he was running away from Obi. They should have had him fight with the 4 lightsabers like I was hoping for. Instead he did it for like 10 seconds. The final battle was awesome. Obi should've killed him. Was he expecting him to burn to death or just spare his life? If I was Obi I would of chopped him up to be safe. All in all the movie was an A. And I'm using the infamous Simmons scale on that one.
Episode 3 was pretty awesome. And there were some funny parts. Some of them weren't even supposed to be funny, but Matt and I thought they were hilarious. Anthony thought it was funny once we told him what we were laughing at.
Anyway, Fantastic 4 looks cool. We should all see it together. Whoo!
Cindy, at 2:11 PM
cindy and matt laugh because theyre in love. i didnt think the movie was very funny, but, hey, i was sitting with people who i didnt know. i actually saw it twice already. we had a good time though.
kibitzer, at 10:13 AM
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