Copy & Paste Survey
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! | |
Created by -ambiguous and taken 59667 times on bzoink! | |
What is your favorite.. | |
gum | Listerine pocket packs...but if i had to chew real gum its Dentyne Ice |
restaurant | Jack in the Box |
drink | Pepsi |
season | fall |
type of weather | 75 degress partly cloudy |
emotion | smile? |
thing to do on a half day | hang out at shaun's house |
late-night activity | video games |
sport | basketball |
city | Gustine |
store | Target |
When was the last time you.. | |
cried | when Carla broke up with me NOT! |
played a sport | p.e. we played basketball |
laughed | me and Andrew using a neighbor's internet |
hugged someone | Jasmine last week |
kissed someone | Carla last month |
felt depressed | towards the end of my sophomore year |
felt elated | on my birthday |
felt overworked | chemistry homework last month |
faked sick | long time ago cause i didn't inish chemistry homework |
lied | to my parents when they asked me when i got the candy bar |
What was the last.. | |
word you said | said |
thing you ate | pizza |
song you listened to | Red Hot Chili Peppers "Breaking the Girl" |
thing you drank | Pepsi (with my pizz) |
place you went to | Newman to get my hair cut |
movie you saw | Batman Begins |
movie you rented | In Good Company |
concert you attended | i don't know |
Who was the last person you.. | |
hugged | Jasmine |
cried over | none |
kissed | Carla |
danced with | one of the usher's sister at my sister's wedding |
shared a secret with | Josh |
had a sleepover with | Andrew's house i think |
called | Moises |
went to a movie with | Josh and Evan |
saw | Andrew |
were angry with | my dad |
couldn't take your eyes off of | Jasmine cause she was wearing a skirt haha |
obsessed over | Carla |
Have you ever.. | |
danced in the rain | who hasn't? |
kissed someone | duh |
done drugs | no |
drank alcohol | yes |
slept around | no |
partied 'til the sun came up | Andrew's house |
had a movie marathon | Moises' house |
gone too far on a dare | no |
spun until you were immensely dizzy | who hasn't? |
taken a survey quite like this before | no |
This whole survey just showed your sensitivity and kindness.
Cindy, at 1:30 PM
i don't care if your being sarcastic or not.
David, at 5:37 PM
Moasis, at 11:05 AM
which emotion is that moises?
David, at 1:11 PM
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