No Call
Well, Nob Hill hasn't called, so that must mean they don't wanna hire me. How fucking retarded is that? I did a damn good job at my interview and practically told them I would work all hours of the day if I had to. So freaking stupid. That just ruined my summer. I really wanted to work there. I guess I better try Santa Nella and maybe Patterson. I don't think anywhere in Patterson would hire me, but it's worth a shot. I really need a job. I'm not doing anything right this summer. It's horrible. Today makes it one week until my birthday (24th). Sofia is coming up from Fresno on the 23rd. Too bad she's a Jehova's Witness. Jenny is one too, but I think they'll still "celebrate" my birthday with me that day. It's so weird how they don't celebrate anything, not even their birthdays. I remember a while back when me and Jenny went to see Disturbia (great movie) and she said to me, "Did you know that the theater is open on Christmas?" I said, "Really? I didn't really know that. I might've assumed it I guess." Then she said, "Yeah, me and my parents go to the movies on Christmas. It's practically empty." Then I laughed and said, "Wow, you don't say." Using her as an example, I can make the assumption that Jehova Witness people go to the movie theater on Christmas, while I eat turkey and open presents. Score one for the Catholics! I should stick to the title of the post. Speaking of Jenny, I called her on Friday, for we were suppose to see Knocked Up that day. She didn't answer her phone and I left a voicemail for her to call me back. I never got the call back. Frankly, I was upset, but got over it. She apologized like a million times. This post will come to an end. I have a newfound love for blogging...David.
blogging was dead for awhile, I don't know Jw's are all different. they don't all go to the movies on Christmas, some have a gift exchange.
Matt, at 12:51 PM
really? i didn't know that. that makes sense though. its kinda like a loophole for them to celebrate Christmas.
David, at 2:40 PM
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