Inspired by Joel, Cindy, and Moises
You guys are really spreading the confession list bug. I have the urge to do my own now. I won't list as many like Moises did. I can't think of that many things about myself you guys probably would already know:
- I say faulare instead of failure
- I once played strip poker with my cousin and lost horribly
- I spotted the bad chick's nipple from The World Is Not Enough during her sex scene with 007
- I wore briefs instead of boxers for basketball games cause coincidently I would play when I wore the briefs
- I only take pictures of games so I could get in for free
- I never really take pictures of games unless I really have to
- I only got an N64 for Super Smash Bros.
- I only watch The OC for Melinda Clarke and Rachel Bilson
- If a girl is talking to me and she's talking on and on I completely block her out and start thinking about what I'm gonna do later
- I used to have a Shaq poster on my wall and never bothered taking it down until I moved
- A rabbit escaped out of its cage and my cousin and I threw rocks at it to death
- I used any type of excuse just so I could miss chemistry
- I invited Jasmine inside after she gave me a ride home
- Eminem used to be my favorite artist
- I asked Nina to the prom last March and got shot down
- I think "Alive" by Pearl Jam should be our graduation song for some reason
- I enjoyed working at my uncle's dairy in Chowchilla
- I told Ms. Farris I was moving to Eugene, Oregon.
- I did a month-long expirement on the Gamboa twins to see which one gets jelous
- I took Accutane for my acne
- I used Creast Whitestrips before I went to the formal
- I stole a Crunch fun-size bar at Albertson's but it melted in my pocket on the way home
- When I was young, I really thought the world was black and white before 1961
- I really hate musicals (especially Sound of Music)
- I never give out my phone number except to my friends
- I never tell anyone where I live unless I need a ride home
- I used to have a James Bond lunchbox back in 1st grade
- I think reality shows should be banned from TV (except Survivor, The Amazing Race, and Fear Factor)
- When Josh's sister, Kristen, was a baby I accidently hit her head on the roof of Josh's bunk bead
- I went to the Miss Gustine pagent with Brandon last summer
- I used to laugh until my stomach hurt when I heard the word "boobs" when I was young
- I think Plethora would be a really good band name
- I used to have a bad temper in middle school (like when I almost killed Justin Santos)
- I've always wanted to grow out my hair but always ended up cutting it cause it took too long to grow
- I thought Mrs. Perodi was hot back in middle school
- I actually can speak Portuguese but never speak it cause people always want me to translate stupid things
- I almost threw up watching South Park in the "Woodland Critter Christmas" episode when the animals sacrificed the rabbit to Satan and then had an orgy
- I take pictures of hot chicks and send it to Euegene through MSN Messenger
- I used to know how to sing all the songs on The Lion King
- My eyes still water up when Mufasa dies in The Lion King
That's 40 right there. Some of those aren't that great, but whatever. I don't think I'll do any more. There isn't much else to say.
Mufassa died? Wut the crap is this? Are you kidding me.I don't remember that happening! Well I don't remember crying when that happened. So I am not familiar with it. And that WOODLAND CRITTER CHRISTMAS was one of the best Southpark episodes I've seen. It was mind-boggling.
PS: I hate squirrels now.
Moasis, at 6:10 PM
Yeah, Mufasa dying was a sad moment. I can almost picture the first time I saw that... *sniffle*
The Sound of Music was on TV the other day. You should have watched it.
Cindy, at 6:16 PM
thats a good list. mine sucks. i should write another one. maybe later. you should grow your hair out. and then wear a ninja headband and kick little people who remind you of the lion king. and then scream at them because they killed mufasa.
kibitzer, at 9:54 PM
Oh............. Mufasa is the dad..... all these years I thought Mufasa was the big red balled monkey.
Moasis, at 8:28 AM
nope the monkey was rafiki
David, at 5:22 PM
Disney movies are mostly semi-musical.
Moasis, at 8:28 AM
who's celcius
David, at 8:45 AM
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